Let’s face it, developing a strong digital presence is key for all organizations. We offer end-to-end management of social media accounts and development of digital newsletters. This includes great content, community engagement and performance reports.
Skin Research Institute of Singapore
The Skin Research Institute of Singapore (SRIS) builds on the strengths of its tripartite partners—the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the National Healthcare Group (NHG)—to conduct high impact, interdisciplinary skin research that can be translated into improved patient care.
In November 2020, we launched the SRIS LinkedIn page and built a strong and engaged community.

BasisAI is a Singapore-headquartered technology company that helps enterprises accelerate AI adoption. As their content agency, we have established BasisAI’s LinkedIn page as an authoritative platform for all things AI—through carousels, commentaries and news updates.

A*STAR Research
A*STAR Research is the official research print and digital publication of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). Launched in 2009, the publication showcases the latest innovations and discoveries taking place in Asia.
By providing end-to-end management and content services, we’ve garnered over 20,000 followers on LinkedIn and Twitter, more than 80,000 monthly pageviews, and an active database of 10,831 newsletter subscribers from around the world.
In 2021, a Telegram channel was set up to deliver digestible research news directly to users.

Infocomm Media Development Authority
The Infocomm Media Development Authority is a statutory board in the Singapore government that develops and regulates the growing infocomm and media sector. Through the monthly IMPact News electronic direct mail, we keep over 15,000 readers up-to-date on the latest news and updates on the local media and digital landscape.